yellow curry tofu morgan be cookin

How to Make Yellow Curry with Tofu

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Do you love yellow curry with tofu? It’s a delicious and healthy dish, and I started making it at home recently. It was a huge hit! I made a big patch of yellow curry paste and it has been enough to last for about 6-8 meals! So easy on a weeknight! I hope you love this dish!

Green Curry Tofu Ingredients (serves 2)

1 package of extra firm tofu
1/2 cup yellow curry paste
1 yellow onion
1 can of coconut milk
1 cup of rice


  1. Press the tofu between two kitchen towels for 15 minutes by placing something heavy on it
  2. cut the tofu into cubes and place in a bowl
  3. sautee the onion in some water on medium heat until softened, add more water as needed and drain off extra water once cooked
  4. steam the rice in a rice cooker
  5. take tofu & cook in a skillet on medium-high heat until the cubes are golden brown. Add a small amount of water to the skillet as you cook, set aside when cooked
  6. pour onions, coconut milk, and curry paste into a large pot and bring to a boil
  7. add tofu to the pot and gently stir, pour over rice & serve
  8. garnish with fresh chopped cilantro and green onion (goes great with avocado!)

If you liked this recipe you’d love this one too: How to Make Green Curry with Tofu

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  • Morgan Be Cookin

    September 17, 2022 at 11:07 am

    thank you so much for your support!

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