spinach lasagna morgan be cookin

How to Make Spinach Lasagna

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This spinach lasagna recipe is very easy to make and you can freeze it for weeknight meals. I will let it thaw for a day or two and then pop it in the oven at 375° for 45 mins and Wowza some delicious bubbling lasagna for dinner! Could a weeknight meal get any easier? If you’re not a vegetarian and you want to add some meat to this lasagna you could certainly mix some into the sauce and layer it! I also have a delicious manicotti recipe you might like to try!

Spinach Lasagna Ingredients (serves 8)

1/2 package of whole-grain lasagna noodles
1/2 lb fresh spinach leaves
3.5 cups ricotta cheese (30oz)
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/4 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp salt
1/8 tsp fresh ground pepper
1 egg
1/8 tsp cayenne pepper
1/2 tbsp fresh chopped parsley
2 lb tomato basil sauce
16 oz mozzarella cheese + 1 cup mozzarella cheese
freshly grated parmesan cheese for a garnish
parsley leaves for a garnish


  1. boil water in a stock pot and cook lasagna noodles according to the instructions, drain noodles and set aside
  2. preheat oven to 375°
  3. set 1 cup of mozzarella aside
  4. add remaining mozzarella ricotta, nutmeg, cumin, salt, pepper, egg, cayenne pepper, and parsley to a mixing bowl and stir
  5. pour 8oz of tomato basil sauce into a lasagna pan and spread it out evenly
  6. add three lasagna noodles horizontally to the bottom of the pan (each piece side by side)
  7. spread 1/3 of the ricotta mixture onto the lasagna noodles
  8. sprinkle 1/3 of the spinach onto the layer of ricotta, pour tomato sauce on top, and spread
  9. add 3 more lasagna noodles and repeat the layering process until all of the noodles, ricotta, and spinach have been used up
  10. pour the remaining tomato basil sauce over the lasagna dish and spread the sauce with a silicone brush or wooden spoon until everything is covered in sauce
  11. sprinkle or tear the mozzarella cheese into 1-inch chunks and place it on top of the dish as evenly as you can
  12. put the pan into the center rack of the oven and bake uncovered for 45 minutes, let the dish cool for 15-20 minutes before serving
  13. sprinkle grated parmesan cheese and fresh parsley on top after plating, and enjoy!

Tips: I like to use low-fat or skim ricotta and mozzarella but you could also use whole-milk cheeses if you want a very rich flavored lasagna.

If you liked this recipe you will love this one too: How to Make Tomato Basil Manicotti
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