lemonade tart morgan be cookin

How to Make a Lemonade Tart

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You will love this recipe for a vegan lemonade tart! My favorite desserts are citrus desserts and I made this dish for Easter dinner this year, and wow it was so tasty! I have had several requests for the recipe, so I am so excited to share it with you all. I’m also planning to make a key lime tart soon and I can’t wait to share that recipe, too! While creating this recipe I was inspired by my years as a waitress where I made homemade lemonade for guests. The balance always seems to be about half sugar and half lemon juice. I figured I would go with that ratio for this recipe and it turned out so delicious! This recipe can easily be made vegan by using a vegan pie crust. I’m hoping to make this again later this year with Meyer lemons from my garden! Yum! Please let me know in the comments how you are liking this dish. Sending love to all of you!

Lemonade Tart Ingredients

1 pre-baked pie shell
1.5 cups coconut milk
1/3 cup lemon juice
1/3 cup sugar
1/8 cup corn starch
5 drops of yellow food coloring (optional)


  1. prepare pie shell and pre-bake it
  2. whisk together filling ingredients in a large pot and bring to a boil, remove from heat and let cool for 5 minutes
  3. pour filling into the shell, let it cool for 30 mins, and put in the freezer for 20 mins (or the fridge for several hours)

Tips: this dish is quite tart so if you want a sweet filling you will need to add additional sugar to the pot. It should taste almost like a key lime pie when you eat it and goes lovely with homemade whipped cream or vegan coconut whipped cream

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