grilled cheese tomato crab bisque

How to Make Grilled Cheese with Tomato Crab Bisque

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This recipe for grilled cheese with tomato crab bisque is so comforting & tasty, you’re gonna love it! Rainy day? Cold day? Need a pick me up, day? Look no further, this is the perfect recipe for you!

I have so many memories of eating grilled cheese as a kid. My mother used to serve it with Campbell’s tomato soup & I also remember my step-dad making it for us sometimes when I was a teenager. Depending on which kind of cheese you use and what type of bread it’s on you can create some really unique variations. For this recipe, I decided to go classic with toasted white bread and medium sharp cheddar cheese. I used french bread from a local bakery but you could use anything you have, instead.

As for the bisque, I absolutely love seafood bisques and chowders. This recipe has a hint of spice and is perfect for dipping your grilled cheese in. The garlic & chunks of tomato pair so well with the crab meat & coconut milk. Absolutely delicious! Enjoy! As they say, “bon appetit”

Ingredients (serves 2)

Bisque Ingredients

2 cups chunky tomato soup (you can make it from scratch or use store-bought)
1/2 cup light coconut milk
1 can drained (6 oz) white crab meat (I use Bumble Bee brand)
1/8 tsp cayenne pepper
1/8 tsp salt
1 tsp garlic powder
1/16 tsp ground pepper (grind pepper grinder a few times into the bisque

Grllled Cheese Ingredients

4 slices of french bread
1/4 stick butter
10 medium pieces of medium sharp cheddar cheese cut about 1/4 inch thick


  1. Heat half the butter on low heat until melted, use a silicone basting brush to spread the butter around on the bottom of a crepe pan or skillet
  2. Rub butter onto two sliced of bread so they are thoroughly coated (front and back)
  3. Put half the cheese onto a piece of bread and then form the sandwich, cover and cook on low for 1-2 minutes, flip & repeat
  4. Once bread looks golden and crispy on both sides, remove from heat and leave cover on for several minutes while you prepare the bisque, cut in half before serving
  5. While sandwich is resting prepare the bisque by stirring all of the ingredients together in a glass pyrex measuring cup.
  6. Microwave or heat up the bique until piping hot, pour into a coffee mug or soup bowl & serve with sandwich on the side
  7. Garnish with fresh parsley

Tips: Most of my dishes tend to be a little bit spicy including this recipe for grilled cheese with tomato crab bisque. If you don’t like spice you may consider leaving the cayenne out.

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